Successful LINC orientations help new students adapt to CU campus life


 Raven Burress, 465 Pepper Road, Campbellsville, signs up at LINC at Campbellsville University with help from Scott Necesssary, director of dual credit/assistant to the vice president for admissions. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ellie McKinley)
Raven Burress, 465 Pepper Road, Campbellsville, signs up at LINC at Campbellsville University with help from Scott Necesssary, director of dual credit/assistant to the vice president for admissions. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ellie McKinley)

By Ellie McKinley, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. — One student said it was the warm welcome she got at Campbellsville University, and another said she made friends she knows who will help her as she begins classes.

Both students were discussing what they experienced during CU’s first LINC sessions June 7-9 when 275 students and commuters attended the first of several sessions in the summer.

“One of the most exciting yet anxious transitions to face for students is the shift from high school to college,” Jodi Allen, dean of student services, said.

“While it may seem nerve-wracking at first, feeling a peace on a selected university campus can help lead a student to a bright and successful future. Campbellsville University desires her students to experience this peace and they accomplish this through their LINC orientation,” she said.

 Mary Hodgen has her picture made with the CU Tiger. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ellie McKinley)
Mary Hodgen has her picture made with the CU Tiger. (Campbellsville
University Photo by Ellie McKinley)

Mary Hodgen, an incoming freshman from Springfield, Ky., attended the first LINC and said her favorite part about Campbellsville was the warm welcome she received and that she already felt at home while on campus.

While attending LINC, which stands for: Learn in a new environment, Invest in your future, Navigate life changes and Connect to Campbellsville, students complete a two-day orientation in which they stay overnight to experience what their new home away from home will be like.

During the first day, students make their way around campus talking with staff from the Offices of Financial Aid and Business Services, receiving their parking decals and UPOs, completing a Compass Test and visiting the Barnes and Noble Bookstore.

Later in the evening, students participate in a variety of activities planned by the Andrew Ward, director of student activities. These activities enable students to get involved and connect with each other.

The next day is a day filled with academic advising in which students will meet with their advisors to plan their schedules. While it may seem stressful at first for the new students, advisors and LINC workers are prepared to motivate and encourage them, Allen said.

Haleigh Lanham, an incoming freshman from Danville, Ky., had a positive experience at LINC. She was able to interact with future classmates who share similar passions.

She said she was comforted knowing that she met future friends who have the same major. Lanham said, “It was inspiring getting to hear about everyone’s plans and seeing how on fire some people are for God.”

Throughout the summer, two other future LINC’s will occur for other incoming freshman. The dates for these are July 13-14 and Aug. 2-3.

Many months of planning are spent for the orientations by staff including Allen; Dave Walters, vice president for admissions and student services; and James Dean, director of residence life.

Allen said, “The LINC program is geared toward showcasing all of the amazing staff and resources available to students in both the student life and academic areas on campus. It is our hope that by attending the LINC Orientation incoming freshmen will be more prepared to make a successful transition from high school to their college years.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering 63 undergraduate options, 17 master’s degrees, five postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is




