CU employs Dejan Mraović as assistant professor of graphic design

July 25, 2012
For Immediate Release

By Christina L. Kern, office assistant

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky.— Dejan Mraović of Serbia has been employed as assistant professor of graphic design at Campbellsville University, according to an announcement from Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of Campbellsville University.

 Dejan Mraović

Mraović, a graphic designer, photographer, author and filmmaker, has redesigned the currency in his native country, Serbia, for his master of fine arts thesis exhibition project and hopes to present it in Belgrade next year for possible adoption.

He will be teaching in Campbellsville University’s new art major with graphic design emphasis. The programs consists of 36-37 hours and includes courses: drawing 1, elements of design, graphic design I, II and III, three-dimensional design, art history I or II, 20th century art history, studio problems I, graphic design for the web and senior exhibit and seminar and six hours of art electives.

“Campbellsville University feels blessed to have Professor Mraović coming on board,” Dr. DeWayne Frazier, associate vice president for academic affairs, said.

“The institution believes that his wide array of experiences coupled with his impressive portfolio will serve the students of the program well.”

Frazier said Mraović “will not only bring a high level of expertise to the classroom but also a fun and youthful spirit. He enjoys to teach and increase others appreciation for art.”

For his master of fine arts thesis exhibition project, Graphic Ambassadors of a Country: (Re)design of Serbian Dinars, Mraović’s research is focused on money and redesigning the Serbian currency, the dinar. He worked with the National Bank of Serbia in Belgrade on the project.

“Mraović is a great fit for Campbellsville University and an excellent addition to the faculty.It is not often we are able to employ a faculty member with such international appeal,” Frazier said.

Mraović designed a completely new, sans-serif font titled Serbiana.

He said Serbian is the only language in the world that uses both the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet, and he included both alphabets for this project.

In addition to his thesis project, Mraović is also writing a book that combines his research and plans for currency. This book and new series of dinars will be presented next year in the National Bank of Serbia in Belgrade for possible implementation.

The show will also be offered to the embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Washington, D.C.

Mraović is a 1997 graduate of Design High School and a 2002 graduate of College of Visual and Applied Arts, both located in Belgrade, Serbia.

He graduated with a master of fine arts in graphic design from Ohio University’s College of Fine Arts in 2012, where he also served as a instructor of record in graphic design and teaching assistant in graphic design and art history.

Mraović is a member of the Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia.

His work has been exhibited in several museums and galleries including some in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Bangladesh. He has also been published in several graphic design anthologies, magazines, websites and newspapers in Serbia, Great Britain, Greece and Argentina.

Mraović was a recipient of the Harry and Grace Foster Scholarship at Ohio University in 2011-12. He received third place at a photo competition “The Richness of Difference—Multiculturalism and Tolerance” in Serbia. He also received five honorable mentions for design of wall and table calendars at the 10th, 11th, and 12th exhibition of the Most Beautiful Calendars and Christmas Cards at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia in 2006, 2007 and 2008. He has also participated in five international film festivals.

He is the son of Damjan and Nada Mraović of Serbia.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering 63 undergraduate options, 17 master’s degrees, five postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is





