CU student’s sermon published

Feb. 7, 2013
For Immediate Release



By Rebekah A. Southwood, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. — Campbellsville University student, Natashia Roy of Jamestown, Ky., has been published in “Uncommon Sense: Jesus and the Renewal of the World,” published by Chalice Press and edited by Dwight L. Moody.


 Natashia Roy, third from right, attended the Festival of Young Preachers in Atlanta, Ga. in early January and will have her sermon published. Other students attending were, from left: Aron Neal, a junior of Cincinnati, Ohio; Mitchell Monroe, a  sophomore of Morganfield, Ky.; Noah Blackburn, a junior of  Jeffersonville, Ky.; Roy; Jonathan McCoy,  a senior of  Campbellsville, Ky.; and Dr. Scott Wigginton, associate  professor of pastoral ministries and counseling.
Natashia Roy, third from right, attended the Festival of Young
Preachers in Atlanta, Ga. in early January and will have her
sermon published. Other students attending were, from left:
Aron Neal, a junior of Cincinnati, Ohio; Mitchell Monroe, a
sophomore of Morganfield, Ky.; Noah Blackburn, a junior of
Jeffersonville, Ky.; Roy; Jonathan McCoy,  a senior of
Campbellsville, Ky.; and Dr. Scott Wigginton, associate
professor of pastoral ministries and counseling.

Roy, a senior educational ministries and social work major, attended the Academy of Preachers Festival of Young Preachers in January and submitted her sermon, “Discovering the Blessing,” for publication.

“Uncommon Sense: Jesus and the Renewal of the World” presents the sermons preached at the 2013 National Festival of Young Preachers. A study guide within the book provides assistance for groups who wish to read, watch (on YouTube) and study some of the sermons.

Moody said about the Academy of Preachers festivals: “They are wow events: visually, spiritually, relationally, vocationally, emotionally and intellectually.”

Dr. Scott Wigginton, associate professor of pastoral ministries and counseling at CU, said, “Our students at Campbellsville University have benefitted greatly from the National Festival of Young Preachers.  In addition to actually having the chance to preach and be evaluated each year, they have had the opportunity to get to know and be inspired by other remarkable young proclaimers of God’s Word from a variety of Christian traditions.”

Wigginton took five students to the festival in Atlanta, Ga. this year, and said Campbellsville University always has one of the largest groups to preach at the festival.

Roy presented the Beatitudes from Matthew 5:3-10 in a first person view. Her goal was to grasp a feeling of a person in the crowd hearing Jesus speak.

“I learned that when the gospel is presented it is a proclamation of God’s Word,” she said. “For the preachers, I hope they have a similar experience, but I also hope that they are challenged to look for unique ways to incorporate creativity and learning styles into their sermons; that all people may be able to hear the gospel in a way they can understand.”

She said, “I believe God has touched my voice and allowed me to mature and become more bold and confident when I speak His name.” This is inspirational to her because she overcame a childhood issue of fast and troubled speaking.

William Herndon, former pastor of St. Mark United Methodist Church in Campbellsville, Ky., was a foundational element as he gave her the opportunity to preach her first sermon.

She said, “He has been an extreme encouragement and has challenged me to grow not only as a preacher, but also as a person and Christian. I thank God that I have had the opportunity to be mentored by him.”

Roy offers this advice: be true to you and be passionate. If inspired build on that inspiration and make it your own.

She said, “Don’t imitate something that has been done. Because then you are putting a mask to your audience and believe me, they do know it!”

A sample of Roy’s words from “Discovering the Blessing” follows:  “I am supposed to mourn the sin of the world, the sin in me and the sin of my family. Wow! This is a heavy burden. This is a great pain. I can’t deal with it, not without you [the Lord]. Not without me totally surrendering every aspect of myself, and letting it be you. And wow, I truly didn’t understand you wanted to have that relationship with us.”

The Academy of Preachers was launched on January 1, 2009 with a grant from the Lilly Foundation with a mission to “identify, network, inspire, and support young people in their call to Gospel preaching.”  Campbellsville University is one of the founding partners who support the work of the Academy.

Other students attending the festival were: Aron Neal, a junior of Cincinnati, Ohio; Mitchell Monroe, a sophomore of Morganfield, Ky.; Noah Blackburn, a junior of Jeffersonville, Ky.; and Jonathan McCoy, a senior of Campbellsville, Ky.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,600 students offering 63 undergraduate options, 17 master’s degrees, five postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is



