Campbellsville University hears Dr. Joel Carwile at chapel

                                                                                                                                                                Feb. 24, 2014
For Immediate Release

By Kevin Thomas, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – “It all starts with one guy being faithful,” Dr. Joel Carwile said.

Carwile, senior pastor of Valley View Church in Louisville, Ky. was the guest speaker for chapel Feb. 19 at Campbellsville University’s Ransdell Chapel. He is also a trustee at Campbellsville University.

 Dr. Joel Carwile addresses Campbellsville University faculty,  staff, students and the community at chapel. (Campbellsville University Photo by Joshua Williams)
Dr. Joel Carwile addresses Campbellsville University faculty,
staff, students and the community at chapel. (Campbellsville
University Photo by Joshua Williams)

Carwile’s sermon focused on the importance of being a “watchman” for your generation.

“God has a calling for you; God has a mission for you. We can’t spend our time being jealous or envious of what everybody else has got. We need to learn contentment with where God has planted us and what God wants us to do,” Carwile said.

Carwile referenced the book of Exodus, where Moses is called to be a watchman over his family, people and land, later passing the torch on to Joshua who would lead the Israelites out of the wilderness. Carwile also spoke on the book of Ezekiel on the subject of being renewed by faith to be a watchman.

Carwile shared some personal stories of faith in his life. He spoke of the time he shared the gospel with his father who he led to Christ after many years and later baptized, which Carwile said “was one of the coolest moments of my life.”

Carwile also talked about the baby he and his wife, Jo, are expecting. Carwile said, “With God all things are possible.” They have another child, a son, named Ezekiel “Zeke” Carwile.

Carwile began his ministry in 1989 as interim pastor of the New Grove Baptist Church in Blanche, Tenn. After a short tenure at New Grove, he was called to the First Union Baptist Church where he helped take the congregation grow from 19 in Sunday school and 26 in worship service his first Sunday to over 400 members.

Carwile graduated from West Limestone High School in 1982. From there, he attended Calhoun Community College and later the University of North Alabama. He graduated from Liberty University in 1998 with a bachelor of science degree in religion. He also earned a master of theology degree from Campbellsville University in 2009.

Carwile’s postgraduate studies include the George Fox Evangelical Seminary in Portland, Oregon. Carwile is writing his dissertation about leadership in emerging culture for his doctor of ministry degree.

He has been granted an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Coral Ridge Baptist University and was presented an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Campbellsville University in December 2013.

Chapel is designed to provide opportunities for corporate worship and exposure through a variety of informative speakers and presentations. Chapel services are each Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Ransdell Chapel during each semester.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,600 students offering 63 undergraduate options, 17 master’s degrees, five postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is




