CU School of Nursing holds pinning ceremony for 21 students

June 1, 2015
For Immediate Release

Campbellsville University's School of Nursing students pose for a photo before their pinning ceremony in Ransdell Chapel on May 7, 2015.
Campbellsville University’s School of Nursing students pose for a photo before their pinning ceremony in Ransdell Chapel on May 7, 2015. From left: Front row – Liz Yarberry, Sarah Morris, Misty Geary, Angie Ellis, Tara Parsley, Samantha McCrosky and Maci Cristie. Middle row – Daizah Kimberland, Jacob Range, Matthew John Marshall and Philip Baker. Back row – Allye Hamilton, Mindy Watson, Savanna Wall, NorAnn Parker, Melissa Durham, Bianca Whitlow, Courtney Hunt, Kayci Fisher, Bethany Thomaston and Julie Smith. (Campbellsville University Photo by Drew Tucker)


Drew Tucker, communications assistant

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – “It’s fair to say that no one really understands what nursing school is all about until you have been through it yourself,” Misty Geary, Campbellsville University School of Nursing’s class speaker, said recently at a pinning ceremony inside Ransdell Chapel on campus.

“You learn to re-appreciate things, such as: meals with your family, sleeping longer than two hours and being able to say hello to a friend without your nose in a nursing textbook,” Geary, of Millwood, Ky., said.

“We have all worked so hard to be sitting on this stage. There have been times where we were ready to give up and switch majors, but we all kept going and never let the fear of failure keep us from doing what we’re meant to do.”

  Misty Geary of Millwood, Ky. speaks at  Campbellsville University's School of Nursing  pinning ceremony about re-appreciating things after  going through nursing school.
Misty Geary of Millwood, Ky. speaks at
Campbellsville University’s School of Nursing
pinning ceremony about re-appreciating things after
going through nursing school. (Campbellsville
University Photo by Drew Tucker)

Beverly Rowland, dean of the School of Nursing, said the faculty is pleased to have seen the journey the students had been through.

“Always remember that Christ is in your heart and remember He wants to help you on your journey,” she said. “Lean on Him and He will always show His love to the people you are serving.”

Rowland announced a new award had been created in honor of Dr. Frank Cheatham, senior vice president or academic affairs, due to his retirement after the commencement ceremonies.

“You have been a champion of the nursing school,” she said. “You, [the late] Jerry Bennett and [the late] Tom Smith advocated for the School of Nursing and held strong among adversity.”

The new award, named the Franklin D Cheatham Nursing Award, is awarded to the student who recognizes the values Cheatham brings to CU: a strong work ethic, a commitment to lifelong learning, to Christian servant leadership, overcome barriers and word hard to meet their goals and exemplify the core values of the School of Nursing – competence, caring and compassion.

Cheatham said the School of Nursing is a hard program.

“This is not an easy program, and it needs to be a tough program,” he said.

He quoted Micah 6:8 and asked what God expects of us, “He has told you, O man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

“There will be times you will be tried and times where you may want to cry,” he said. “Just remember the training and the education you’ve had, and that you will always have support from the School of Nursing.”

He said although it’s been a struggle to get through the program, the students have an education that no one can take away from them.

“You’ve developed skills that will be with you throughout your life,” he said.

  Dr. Frank Cheatham, senior vice president of  academic affairs, presents Daizah Kimberland of  Bardstown, Ky. the first Franklin D Cheatham  Nursing Award.
Dr. Frank Cheatham, senior vice president of
academic affairs, presents Daizah Kimberland of
Bardstown, Ky. the first Franklin D Cheatham
Nursing Award. (Campbellsville University Photo
by Drew Tucker

Rowland handed out special awards, with the first being the Franklin D Cheatham Nursing Award to Daizah Kimberland of Bardstown, Ky. Kimberland was a starting guard on CU’s Lady Tigers basketball team who finished runner-up in the NAIA Tournament game in March, and her jersey hangs in the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in Knoxville, Tenn.

“She did all of this while attending the School of Nursing,” Rowland said.

Rowland said Kimberland would study on the bus between games, and stay in to study while her friends went out. She also completed an internship at the Louisville Veteran Affairs Medical Center in Louisville, Ky.

“[Kimberland] said she wants to advocate for her patients when they need her,” Rowland said.

Other awards presented included: the Servant Leadership Award to Misty Geary of Millwood, Ky.; Award of Excellence to Kayci Fisher of Westmoreland, Tenn.; Clinical Excellence Award to Allye Hamilton of Lebanon, Ky.; Academic Award to Bianca Whitlow of Edmonton, Ky.; and the Health Education Systems Incorporated (HESI) Award to Sarah Morris of North Vernon, Ind.

The following were pinned by Jennifer Richerson, secretary for the School of Nursing; Angie Atwood, assistant professor of nursing, and the families of each student: Philip Baker of Greensburg, Ky.; Maci Christie of Campbellsville, Ky.; Melissa Durham of Campbellsville, Ky.; Anglie Ellis of Mannsville, Ky.;

Kayci Fisher of Westmoreland, Tenn.; Misty Geary of Millwood, Ky.; Allye Hamilton of Lebanon, Ky.; Courtney Hunt of Campbellsville, Ky.; Daizah Kimberland of Bardstown, Ky.; Matthew Marshall of Gallatin, Tenn.; Samantha McCrosky of Salvisa, Ky.; Sarah Morris of North Vernon, Ind.; Wanda Parker of Campbellsville, Ky.;

Tara Parsley of Magnolia, Ky.; Jacob Range of Livonia, Mich.; Julie Smith of Frankfort, Ky.; Bethany Thomaston of Campbellsville, Ky.; Savanna Wall of Goodlettsville, Tenn.; Melinda Watson of Campbellsville, Ky.; Bianca Whitlow of Edmonton, Ky.; and Elizabeth Yarberry of Columbia, Ky.

Dr. James Jones, pastor of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Taylor County and church outreach special assistant at Campbellsville University, blessed the students’ hands during the pinning.

Jacquelyn Young, clinical nursing instructor, led the “Nightingale Pledge.”

Linda Gribbins, instructor in nursing, led the lighting of the lamps, which symbolizes the care and devotion the nurse administers to the sick and injured in the practice of nursing, as well as the symbolizes the “rounds at night” made famous by Nightingale.

Sarah Morris and Julie Smith provided special music with “Never Alone.”

Bethany Thomaston and Sarah Morris gave the invocation and closing prayer, respectively.

Nicole Loy, instructor in nursing, and Faith Corbin, nursing lab assistant, distributed roses to the newly pinned students.

Pictures of the students and from the event can be found on CU’s Flicker page at

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering 63 undergraduate options, 17 master’s degrees, five postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is







