Covenant Society at Campbellsville University is honored

Lindy and Betty  Forbes
Lindy and Betty Forbes were honored at the Covenant Society Recognition Luncheon Sept. 23 for their new membership into the society. From left: Chuck Vaughn, director of planned giving, Lindy, Betty, and Benji Kelly, vice president for development. (Campbellsville University Photo by Rachel DeCoursey)

By Rachel DeCoursey, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. — An acoustic version of “Jesus Paid it All” fueled the second annual Covenant Society Recognition Luncheon Sept. 23 on the campus of Campbellsville University. Both students, faculty and covenant society members sang together following a formal lunch in the ­banquet hall of the Badgett Academic Support Center.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Donna Hedgepath gave the opening prayer for the luncheon.

The luncheon was dedicated to recognizing individuals who have decided to include CU in their estate plans. Director of Planned Giving Chuck Vaughn organized the event and shared with guests the progress the group has made.

The society is made up of 141 members. Vaughn shared the expectancy amounts from 68 of the members are unknown but the known expectancy is currently $14,081,977. He also discussed the possibilities of incorporating CU into an estate plan.

“Mainly I just want to say thank you, thank you for supporting us and our mission,” Vaughn said in closing.
Sophomores Tori Hester and Logan Curtis welcomed the group to sing worship songs to showcase some of the talent CU has.

Following the music, junior Landon Rogers shared what CU has meant to him. He spoke on his untraditional upbringing and expressed that his connection to the school felt like family.

“I found my family here on campus. I found it through Baptist Campus Ministries. I found it in church outreach. Campbellsville University provided that family aspect for me,” Rogers said.

After a rough start to his freshman year, he said he came back the spring semester with the goal of getting involved. Roger is convinced he made the right choice.

“I walk on this campus, and I automatically feel at home; my heart automatically feels that it is where it needs to be. And that’s what Campbellsville University means to me,” Rogers said.

Vice President of Development Benji Kelly shared with the guest a few of CU’s updates and numbers. Kelly shared that of all the impressive numbers incorporated with the university, he was most proud of the over 480 professions of faith that were a result of last year’s missions.

Kelly and Vaughn presented two of the newest members of the Covenant Society with certificates of recognition. Betty Forbes and her daughter Lindy Forbes were recognized together for their new membership.

Photos from the event can be found on CU’s Flickr page.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering over 80 programs of study including 24 master’s degrees, seven postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is






