Frankfort pastor urges Campbellsville University to thank those around them

Nov. 24, 2015
For Immediate Release

By Jordan Snider, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY. – Dr. Robert Browning, pastor of First
Baptist Church of Frankfort, reminded Campbellsville University faculty, staff,
coaches, students and the public to thank those around you for all they do for
you at the Thanksgiving service in the Ransdell Chapel Nov. 18.

Dr. Robert Browning speaking at Chapel
Dr. Robert Browning, pastor of First Baptist Church of Frankfort, Ky., urged Campbellsville
University students, faculty, staff and coaches to thank those around you for all they do
for you during Thanksgiving. (Campbellsville University Photo by Drew Tucker)

“I love Thanksgiving
because it is a time that we praise and give thanks,” Browning said.

read the story from Luke 17:11-19, that speaks about the men with leprosy. When
Jesus healed them, only one, a Samaritan, of the ten men returned to praise and
thank Jesus. Luke wants to break down the barriers because nothing is more
important than relationships.

Jesus told
the Samaritan man “this kind of faith will make you whole.”

“It all
begins with what you see and how you respond. The ministry of stopping when you
see someone in need is so important, which is what Jesus did throughout his
life. Seeing is crucial to faith,” Browning said.


“What will
you see when you go home for Thanksgiving, what will you overlook?” Browning
asked the students.

“See the
people that are responsible for you being here, the ones that pray for you and
lavish them with gratitude and praise. Thank those here that care and love you
before you leave,” Browning said.

University Chorale led a call to worship in singing “I Know That My Redeemer
Lives” and led a Thanksgiving hymn in singing “For The Beauty of the Earth,”
directed by Dr. Tony Cunha, the dean of the School of Music. Dr. Wesley
Roberts, professor of music, played the prelude and the postlude.

Dr. Candace
R. Hansford, associate professor of social work, gave a call to Thanksgiving
through a testimonial about thanks.

Josh Vincent, a CU student from Louisville, read scripture
from the Old Testament, and Fontez Hill, a CU student from LaCenter, read
scripture from the New Testament. Dr. Michelle Tucker, associate professor of
social work, led the students and faculty in a Thanksgiving prayer.

Dr. Michael
V. Carter, president, introduced Browning.

University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more
than 3,500 students offering over 80 programs of study including 24 master’s
degrees, seven postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The
website for complete information is





