Social Security Office, Multiple Positions, Campbellsville, KY

The Social Security office at Campbellsville, KY is currently accepting resumes for public contact positions.  The majority of positions at Social Security involve working directly with the public.  Public Contact Representatives receive extensive training and mentoring in Social Security programs and state laws. They also speak with beneficiaries about their rights under Social Security laws, gather facts and evidence to establish eligibility for benefits, determine benefit amounts to individuals, and use technology to access and update claims information.

Examples of Positions Include:

Claims Specialists speak with beneficiaries about Social Security benefits.

  • Interview applicants for benefits.
  • Determine a claimant’s initial eligibility for Social Security benefits.
  • Analyze evidence that will help make a determination.
  • Obtain, clarify, and verify data used to analyze claims and make benefit decisions.

Customer Service Representatives gather facts and evidence to establish eligibility for benefits.

  • Assist the public by answering a wide variety of questions both in person and via telephone.
  • Conduct interviews, investigate situations, and resolve issues.
  • Assess relevant information to determine ongoing eligibility for Social Security benefits.
  • Analyze a claimant’s benefit payment history.

If you have individuals that would like to find out more information regarding job requirements, benefits and salary, please have them email a resume to .



