Alumni & Friends Park, Noe Plaza is dedicated

Oct. 26, 2013
For Immediate Release

 Campbellsville University's new Alumni & Friends Park, Noe Plaza was dedicated Saturday, Oct. 26 at the corner of Broadway and North Columbia Avenue, Campbellsville. The new entrance will create a "front for Christian higher education" leading to the campus which, according to CU president Dr. Michael V. Carter, has the highest on-campus enrollment in the history of the institution. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ye Wei "Vicky")
Campbellsville University’s new Alumni & Friends Park, Noe Plaza was dedicated Saturday, Oct. 26
at the corner of Broadway and North Columbia Avenue, Campbellsville. The new entrance will create a
“front for Christian higher education” leading to the campus which, according to CU president Dr.
Michael V. Carter, has the highest on-campus enrollment in the history of the institution. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ye Wei “Vicky”)



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