Balancing Title IX regulations and Christian values: Pavy leads Campbellsville University’s April 13 Quality Enhancement Plan lecture

Balancing Title IX regulations and Christian values: Pavy leads Campbellsville University’s April 13 Quality Enhancement Plan lecture 2
E.J. Pavy

By Scarlett Birge, student news writer, Office of University Communications

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – “I have seen first-hand how gender equity and faith exist in almost a perpetual state of conflict,” said E.J. Pavy, Title IX coordinator and assistant director of human resources, during his presentation “The ethic of imago Dei in the administration of a Title IX program at a Christian university” for Campbellsville University’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Zoom meeting on April 13.

“Imago Dei means ‘made in the image of our God,’” Pavy said. “This idea maintains that humans have inherent value and dignity because we are made in the very image of a perfect God.”

This is a common principle considered in religious contexts and highlights the idea of people in a community having a shared responsibility to uphold such ideas, he said. Embracing this type of approach helps when having to make official decisions regarding sex discrimination and gender inequity in an ethical manner.

“Navigating the legal requirements of federal law, such as Title IX, is a daunting task,” Pavy said.

Having new regulations being brought forth in August of 2020 required a short time period to adjust and comply with the set standards. However, the focused efforts within the university’s administration to maintain compliance have heightened the overall understanding of what the Title IX policy entails on campus, he said.

“At this point, we are now considering how our Title IX policy can now more fully take on the character of a Christian institution,” Pavy said.

Approaching the highly sensitive situations Title IX addresses requires a certain amount of care, more so than just caution, Pavy said. Systemic institutions claiming religious exemptions in situations involving gender inequity often only inflame these issues further. He said finding a balance between not affirming and being welcoming is necessary for handling Title IX in a Christian university.

“I think these are important things to consider as we continue to ground our discussion of gender equity within our social climate, but also making sure that it is steeped in Christian and biblical doctrine,” Pavy said

More information about Campbellsville University’s Title IX policies and procedures can be found at

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 13,500 students offering over 100 programs of study including Ph.D., master, baccalaureate, associate, pre-professional and certification programs. The website for complete information is



