Campbellsville University announces Dr. Eric Carter as dean of regional instruction and services and associate professor of sociology

July 25, 2016
 For Immediate Release

Eric CarterBy Joshua Williams, communications assistant

CAMPBELLSVILLE – Dr. Eric Carter is the new dean of regional instruction and services and associate professor of sociology at Campbellsville University. Carter has served as associate professor and chair of the Department of Sociology at Georgetown College, Ky. since 2007.

Carter graduated from Carson-Newman College with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology in 1999 and received his Master of Arts in Sociology in 2001 from Marshall University. He received his Ph.D. in sociology in 2006 from Kansas State University. He had done additional graduate study at the University of Tennessee.

Carter was employed from 2001 until 2003 as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Sociology at Campbellsville University.

Carter has also served as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Sociology at Cloud Community College and the Department of Education at Kansas State University.

Carter became a full-time faculty member at Georgetown College in 2006 where he was an assistant professor of sociology until he was promoted to associate professor in 2011. In 2007, he was given the title of chair of the Department of Sociology.

Carter was also employed in 2001 as an adult case manager for Helen Ross McNabb in Knoxville, Tenn.

“Having Dr. Carter joining the team is an exceptional move. To bring someone with his professional experience, scholarship and talents to CU is a win for the entire university family,” said Dr. Donna Hedgepath, Campbellsville University’s vice president for academic affairs.

Carter has been involved in research for many publications including: “Journal of Sociology and Social work,” “Boys Gone Wild: Fame, Fortune, and Deviance Among Professional Football Players,” “A Social Psychological Analysis of Anomie Among National Football League Players” and “Lacing Up My Boots.”

One of Carter’s popular press publications is “Does Religion Impact the Lives of NFL Players?” He and Dr. Michael V. Carter, Campbellsville University president, and journalist Mike May worked on the publication.

Carter is working on his upcoming publication called “Conspiracy Theory as a Counter-Narrative: An Exploratory Study of Black Male Student-Athletes and the Hysteresis Effect” with his daughter, Adriana.

Carter belongs to the following professional associations: Alpha Kappa Delta, American Sociological Association, Anthropologists and Sociologists of Kentucky, Midwest Sociological Society, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Southern Sociological Society and The Society for the Scientific of Relation.

“He holds both the academic and administrative experience that is difficult to find. We are fortunate and thrilled to have him coming aboard,” Hedgepath said.

Carter has been awarded several awards including Milton Price Award for Athletics, Georgetown College (2014); Outstanding Advisor Award, Georgetown College (2013); Professor of the Month, Sigma Kappa, Georgetown College (2012); Henlein Junior Faculty Research Fellowship; and Nomination: Professor of the Year, Kansas State University Food and Dining Services Student Voice (2003-2004).

Carter is the husband of Yoli Gallardo Carter, program chair of education studies and associate professor in education studies at Berea College. They have one daughter, Adriana Nunez, and one son, Cristian Nunez.

Carter is the oldest son of Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of Campbellsville University, and his wife, Debbie Carter, who serves as Carver School of Social Work and Counseling director of recruitment and community relations and is an assistant professor of social work.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering over 80 programs of study including 24 master’s degrees, seven postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is




