Campbellsville University awards 474 diplomas to graduates in 2009-10 ceremonies

May 8, 2010
For Immediate Release

 Among the undergraduates of Campbellsville University include from left: Ashley Melton, Lauren Toadvine, Maggie Argenbright, Tiffany Ramos, Rachel Crenshaw, Megan Massey, Maria Gomez, Whitney Tingle and Erin Johnson. (Campbellsville University Photo by Bayarmagnai “Max” Nergui)

Among the undergraduates of Campbellsville University include from left: Ashley Melton, Lauren Toadvine, Maggie Argenbright, Tiffany Ramos, Rachel Crenshaw, Megan Massey, Maria Gomez, Whitney Tingle and Erin Johnson. (Campbellsville University Photo by Bayarmagnai “Max” Nergui)

By Joan C. McKinney, news and publications coordinator

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – Dr. Ron Lewis, a member of Campbellsville University’s Board of Trustees and former United States representative, quoted Sir Winston Churchill as he spoke at Campbellsville University’s commencement today. “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning,” Lewis told the graduates.
Lewis is former United States representative from the 2nd congressional district and was presented the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award at commencement.

Campbellsville University presented 195 undergraduate degrees for a total of 474 graduates for the academic year 2009-10, upon completion of all academic requirements.

One of the graduates was Jairus Robert York Murton of Campbellsville, who received a bachelor of science degree with a major in criminal justice administration, and who is the university’s first graduate of the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), a partnership with Western Kentucky University.

Jairus Robert York Murton of Campbellsville was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Army at Campbellsville University’s commencement by Lt. Col. Jason T. Caldwell of Western Kentucky University. At far left is Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of CU. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ashley Zsedenyi)Presiding at York’s U.S. Army Oath of Commission was Lt. Col. Jason T. Caldwell, professor of military science and leadership at Western Kentucky University.

Lewis congratulated Murton and those serving in the Armed Forces. “They put their lives on the line; what great servants they are.”

He told the graduates about servant leadership and urged them to use their God-given talents to serve mankind. “You are servant leaders, ready to go into the world.”

He said God has given them talent on loan. “We’ve been given an opportunity to be successful, to achieve greatness and to make a lot of money, but the Bible says to be servants.”


Jairus Robert York Murton of Campbellsville was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Army at Campbellsville University’s commencement by Lt. Col. Jason T. Caldwell of Western Kentucky University. At far left is Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of CU. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ashley Zsedenyi)

 He quoted Matthew 20:26-28 – “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

He urged the graduates to keep God first in their lives, family second and country third.

Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of Campbellsville University, said, “This is a very special day – a day that you as graduates and your family will long remember.”

Carter congratulated the students for their accomplishments and for the sacrifices they and their families have made to “reach this important milestone in your life and educational career.”

He urged each graduate to take a moment to express appreciation to their family, close friends, and CU faculty and staff who have “supported, encouraged and motivated you along the way.”

“Today is a good day to take time to express your love and appreciation to those who have sacrificed along the way to help you reach this important milestone in your life,” Carter said.

He said, “The theme ‘Find Your Calling’ is more than just a theme – it expresses the very essence of what we do and who we are as a community of learners seeking to provide quality Christian higher education to women and men of all ages with an emphasis on servant leadership.”

Carter said, “Regardless of the academic program and the professional path pursued, it is vital that each student come to some understanding that each of us is called to serve Christ through a lifetime of service. That has been, and remains, the distinctive mission of Campbellsville University.”

Enkhdelger Enkhbold of Mongolia waits to receive his diploma at today's undergraduate ceremony. (Campbellsville University Photo by Bayarmagnai "Max" Nergui)
Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award winners Kristi Ensminger of Kingston Springs, Tenn., and Dr. Ron Lewis, former U.S. representative who is now a member of Campbellsville University's Board of Trustees, third from left, pose with from left Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of CU; Dr. Jay Conner, chair of the Board of Trustees; and at far right, Dr. Frank Cheatham, vice president for academics. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ashley Zsedenyi)

Enkhdelger Enkhbold of Mongolia waits to receive his diploma at today’s undergraduate ceremony. (Campbellsville University Photo by Bayarmagnai “Max” Nergui)

The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award recipients were awarded to Dr. Ron Lewis, who played an instrumental role in the economic recovery of Campbellsville-Taylor County and other communities in the Heartland region, and Kristi Ensminger of Kingston Springs, Tenn., who has “displayed the servant leadership and Christian character envisioned by the Sullivan Award,” according to Carter.


Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award winners Kristi Ensminger of Kingston Springs, Tenn., and Dr. Ron Lewis, former U.S. representative who is now a member of Campbellsville University’s Board of Trustees, third from left, pose with from left Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of CU; Dr. Jay Conner, chair of the Board of Trustees; and at far right, Dr. Frank Cheatham, vice president for academics. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ashley Zsedenyi)

“Campbellsville University was selected in 2002 to participate in this very prestigious awards program that honors the memory and legacy of the late Algernon Sydney Sullivan. There are some 50 colleges and universities in the South that are approved by the Sullivan Foundation to annually present these awards to one graduating senior and to one adult,” he said.
Carter explained that Sullivan was a lawyer, devout Christian, mediator, powerful and appealing orator, a courageous citizen during perilous times, a noted philanthropist and a devoted family man. In the words of a friend, Sullivan “reached out both hands in constant helpfulness to others.”

This is the eighth year that CU has given the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Awards.

Carter charged the graduates to make a difference in the world and to be proud graduates of Campbellsville University. He urged them to say good words about their alma mater and to “go forth and make fellowship, leadership and scholarship (words on the CU academic seal) a way of life.”

Matt Sudduth of Lawrenceburg, Ky., senior class president who is receiving a bachelor of science in business administration with a management major, focused on “The Art of Adventure” in his response to Carter’s charge.

Sudduth said the undergraduates at CU have “begun to write our own definitions” of adventure.

He said adventure was about “leaving the certainty and comfort” of his home to “engage a new world where each day of uncertainty has created a personal growth that will, hopefully, allow me to adapt to whatever situations I am presented with in the years ahead.”

Sudduth urged the graduates to “embrace tomorrow with a new set of goals, hopeful ideas and the enthusiasm for the next series of adventures.”

Hillary Wright of Springfield, Ky. is happy as she graduates today in Campbellsville University’s Powell Athletic Center. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ashley Zsedenyi)

Hillary Wright of Springfield, Ky. is happy as she graduates today in Campbellsville University’s Powell Athletic Center. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ashley Zsedenyi)

Herman Hardesty, a 1958 graduate of Campbellsville University, installed the alumni. Hardesty urged the graduates to keep in touch and stay connected with your alma mater.

Co-valedictorians for May 2010 were: Jessica Kathleen Boggs of Whitesburg, Ky., Melody Renee Hall of Rockfield, Ky., Jessica Gaile Johnson of Murray, Ky., Joshua David Mears of Owenton, Ky., Christina Louise Miller of Danville, Ky., Robert Lee Myers of Campbellsville, Ky., and Amber Renee Wimsatt of Elizabethtown, Ky., who also received 4.0 grade point averages. Salutatorian for May 2010 was Esther Catherine Middlekauff of Barnegat, N.J., who had a GPA of 3.997.
Dr. Jay Conner, chair of the Board of Trustees, gave the invocation; Dr. Frank Cheatham, vice president for academic affairs, presented the graduates; and Carter presided during the ceremony. Dr. Brenda Priddy, dean of the School of Education, gave the benediction.

Dr. J. Robert Gaddis, dean of the School of Music, conducted the CU Brass Ensemble, which played for the processional and recessional. Dr. Mark Bradley, professor of music, led the hymn and in singing of the university’s alma mater, “Campbellsville, We Love Thee.”

Dr. Darlene Eastridge, dean of the Carver School of Social Work and Counseling, gave the commencement address at the graduate ceremony May 7. She discussed how perspective and passion impacted the world.

Fifteen graduates made history as they were the first master of social work graduates from the Carver School of Social Work and Counseling which was moved to CU in 1998.

Dr. Kenneth W. Winters, Ky., state senator representing the 1st district, was presented the Campbellsville University Leadership Award. He was president of CU from 1988 to 1996.

Campbellsville University is a private, comprehensive institution located in South Central Kentucky. Founded in 1906, Campbellsville University is affiliated with the Kentucky Baptist Convention and has an enrollment of 3,006 students who represent 97 Kentucky counties, 30 states and 37 foreign nations. Listed in U.S.News & World Report’s 2010 “America’s Best Colleges,” CU is ranked 23rd in “Best Baccalaureate Colleges” in the South, tied for fifth in “most international students” and fourth in “up-and-coming” schools in baccalaureate colleges in the South. CU has been ranked 17 consecutive years with U.S.News & World Report. The university has also been named to America’s Best Christian Colleges® and to G.I. Jobs magazine as a Military Friendly School. Campbellsville University is located 82 miles southwest of Lexington, Ky., and 80 miles southeast of Louisville, Ky. Dr. Michael V. Carter is in his 11th year as president.



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