Campbellsville University helps unite community for God by reading Bible

Jan. 19, 2015
For Immediate Release

group photo of students
Those reading the Bible through from Jan. 1 to Jan. 3 were from left:  on the left side of building: Front row — Ashley Newman, Divine Oludi, Jasmine Barnett, Josh Vincent and Taylor County Judge-Executive Eddie Rogers. Back row — Devan Bishop, Andrew Bennett, TJ Rayhill, Tyler Arterburn and Benji Kelly. On right side of building: Front row – Dr. John Hurtgen, Dr. Ted Taylor, Ariel Darnell, Dr. Shane Garrison and Sherry Bowen. Back row – Jamie Lawrence, Wes Carter, Joey Bomia, Jake Craven and John Rausch. (Campbellsville University Photo by Drew Tucker)


CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – Beginning at midnight on Jan. 1, 2016, as the ball dropped in Times Square, most everyone was celebrating and reigning in the New Year. At Campbellsville, through the efforts of Campbellsville University’s Office of Church Outreach, over 45 students and local leaders across the community read the Bible from Genesis through Revelation.

The event was carried out over three days, and the Bible was read all the way through by over 45 people across the community.

“The heart of this project was to bathe the community in the word of God as we bring in the New Year,” Jasmine Barnett, ministry coordinator of church outreach, said.

Barnett, who led the project, facilitated the reading of the Bible from Jan. 1 through Jan. 3. The entire Bible was read through in an effort to honor God’s word for the Campbellsville community in the coming year.

The event was carried out in conjunction with Kentucky 120 United headed by the Rev. Mark Harrell, pastor of Victory Christian Church in Somerset, Ky.

Unite 120 had representatives across the Commonwealth of Kentucky reading the Bible all the way through in an effort to blanket the Commonwealth in the word of God, as everyone brought in the New Year.

Dr. G. Ted Taylor, associate vice president for development and church relations and director of FIRST CLASS and church outreach, said, “Campbellsville University Church Outreach was honored to take on leadership for this great opportunity, to bring in the New Year with the word of God. We believe in the authority and inspiration of scripture, and we believe God is working in and through this community.”

“I cannot imagine a better way to bring in 2016 than to help be a small part of reading the Bible all the way through,” Wes Carter, assistant director of church outreach, said. “Campbellsville University and the Office of Church Outreach believe strongly in being Christ centered, church connected and changing the lives of others in a positive way.”

Taylor said the Office of Church Outreach staff is driven by the Great Commission believing that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

The office staff equips student servant leaders by providing students the opportunity to lead in services in churches as well as community events. In 2015, students led over 200 services across the Commonwealth of Kentucky and beyond.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering over 80 programs of study including 24 master’s degrees, seven postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is




