Campbellsville University kicks off a new year with chapel service

Feb. 16, 2016
For Immediate Release

dr. paul strahan
 Dr. Paul Strahan, pastor of First Baptist Church in Owensboro, Ky., speaking to the students and staff about Joshua in the Old Testament and his heart as a leader during Campbellsville University chapel service. (Campbellsville University photo by Rachel DeCoursey).

By Josh Christian, student news writer

Service was in full swing to begin a new semester and new year at Ransdell Chapel on Jan. 27 after the opening service a week earlier was delayed due to large snowfall and class cancellations.

Dr. Paul Strahan, pastor of First Baptist Church in Owensboro, Ky., spoke about the Joshua in the Old Testament and his heart as leader of God’s people. Strahan explained the succession of Joshua following the previous leader of the Israelites, Moses.

“One of the greatest stories about Joshua is the story of the fall of Jericho,” Strahan said.

The story of Jericho’s fall comes from the Book of Joshua in the Holy Bible. The Israelites were commanded by God, for six days, to march around the city of Jericho. On the last day, Joshua led the Israelites around the wall seven times, as was commanded, causing the walls of the city to crumble.

“What did God see in Joshua that he wants to see in us in order to be mightily used by God?” Strahan asked.
Strahan used this question to outline the rest of his sermon, capitalizing on the characteristics Joshua had that made him a great leader to the people of Israel.

“The first thing is, Joshua knew how to submit to authority,” Strahan said.

Strahan explained that this characteristic was valuable because Joshua served God no matter what position he was in, saying that even “Joshua was an assistant to Moses.”

“You don’t have to be the corpse of every funeral or the bride at every wedding,” Strahan said.

Strahan also pointed out Joshua’s ability to take God at his word, and stressing that nothing was more important than being able to trust God.

“The fall of Jericho happened exactly as God said it would,” Strahan said.

Joshua was also a man that had an ability to be genuine with God, Strahan explained, also saying that God cares about his people

“If you have a relationship with God, he is your Father,” Strahan said.

Strahan concluded by telling the story of Joshua’s death and quoting a famous verse, Joshua 24:15 which says, “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods of your fathers served in the region beyond the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Aaron Smith, CU sophomore, led the campus community in worship as a one-man band, playing acoustic guitar and leading in song.

Ed Pavy, campus minister, gave the invocation prayer and welcome.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering 63 undergraduate options, 17 master’s degrees, five postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is




