Campbellsville University’s Christmas Tapestry is Dec. 5

Dec. 1, 2014
For Immediate Release

By Joan C. McKinney, news and publications coordinator

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – Campbellsville University’s 10th Annual Christmas Tapestry Concert is Friday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. in Ransdell Chapel at 401 N. Hoskins Ave., Campbellsville, Ky.

 Dr. Lisa McArthur, who coordinates the Christmas concert, plays in last year's concert. (Campbells- ville University Photo by Rachel DeCoursey)
Dr. Lisa McArthur, who coordinates the Christmas concert, plays in last year’s concert. (Campbells-
ville University Photo by Rachel DeCoursey)

Dr. Lisa McArthur, professor of music who coordinates the Tapestry concert, said the concert is considered a “Gift to the Community.”

“We are thankful for all of the support we receive throughout the year, through concert attendance, community participation in ensembles, local ensembles performing on our campus, donations to the Friends of Music, etc.,” McArthur said.

“The School of Music and Campbellsville University sincerely appreciate all of this support and hope that the gift of this concert will be well received,” she said.

“We also hope that it will open the door for more people to visit our campus and attend events. We hope that this concert will help to focus everyone’s heart as we approach the Christmas season with a focus on God and the greatest gift of all – His son.”

There is free admission, but donations are being accepted for Supporting Heroes whose mission is to honor the service and sacrifice of public safety heroes who give their lives in the line of duty – by caring for the loved ones they leave behind. You can read more about them at

Most of the faculty and students of the School of Music will be performing during the concert. Vocal ensembles include the University Chorale, New Doxology, performing an arrangement by Saulo DeAlmeida, instructor in music; and a Faculty Ensemble who will be performing an arrangement by Dr. David Hedrick, associate professor of music.

Instrumental ensembles include the following: University Concert Band, Campbellsville Youth Orchestra, University Brass Ensemble, University Flute Ensemble, Marimba Quartet, performing a piece by CU student Michael Mather; University String Ensemble, performing an arrangement by DeAlmeida; Almeida Duo and a Steel Pan Combo in the lobby before the concert.
Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering 63 undergraduate options, 17 master’s degrees, five postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is






