Category: Uncategorized

  • Dr. Jarvis Williams to Hold Book Discussion, Signing

    Jan. 25, 2010 For Immediate Release   CAMPBELLSVILLE UNIVERSITY TO HOST BOOK DISCUSSION AND SIGNING BY DR. JARVIS WILLIAMS FEB. 1 By Hillary C. Wright, student news writer CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky.— Campbellsville University’s School of Theology will be hosting a review and discussion of ’ new book “Maccabean Martyr Traditions in Paul’s Theology of Atonement: Did…

  • Vice President Spears to be on TV-4

                    Campbellsville University’s WLCU TV-4 will air a “Dialogue on Public Issues” show with Dr. Keith Spears, vice president for regional and professional education at Campbellsville University, beginning Sunday, Jan. 31. Spears discussed regional and professional education and CU’s continual growth and academic outreach.  Spears, left, is shown…

  • Childress, Long-Term Research Executive Director, To Be On TV-4

                    Michael Childress, left, executive director of the Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center, was interviewed by John Chowning, vice president for church and external relations and executive assistant to the president, on his “Dialogue on Public Issues” TV show. Chowning is 2010 chair of the Kentucky Long-Term Policy…

  • CU Blood Drive Brings Out Donors

    Campbellsville University’s Teresa Spurling, associate professor of education, gives her first blood donation at Campbellsville University Jan. 21.  (Campbellsville University Photo by Bayarmagnai “Max” Nergui) Roger Foster, assistant professor of business administration, donates blood at the blood drive on campus Jan. 21. He is the blood drive coordinator for Campbellsville University.  (Campbellsville University Photo by…

  • Student-Athletes to raise money for Haiti

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Campbellsville University Athletics Contact: Chris Megginson Cell: 270-403-1503   CAMPBELLSVILLE UNIVERSITY STUDENT-ATHLETES TO RAISE FUNDS FOR HAITI RELIEF CAMPBELLSVILLE , Ky. — Campbellsville University student-athletes have decided to make their own contribution to the Haiti relief effort this week. Members of the “Crazy Love” student-athlete-based study group will be raising money…

  • Congressman Honors CU Lady Tiger Volleyball Team

    Congressman Brett Guthrie, Campbellville Mayor Brenda Allen and Taylor County Judge Executive Eddie Rogers presented special recognitions to the Campbellsville University women’s volleyball team Friday. Shown are: (L-R) Campbellsville Athletic Director Rusty Hollingsworth, Rogers, Allen, CU players Caitlin Dresing, Whitney Haynes, Shannon Cahill, Guthrie, CU players Brooke Marcum and Samantha James, and coaches Amy Eckenfels…

  • Congressman Guthrie Holds Meeting at CU

    Kentucky Congressman Brett Guthrie , R-2nd District, held a meeting at Campbellsville University’s Technology Training Center Friday, Jan. 15, to discuss plans for improving the Workforce Investment Act and get feedback from area workforce training representatives in attendance at the meeting. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ashley Zsedenyi) Palvena Pace, at left, regional workforce development facilitator…

  • CU School of Education Cupola Installed

    A cupola, made by Campbellsville Industries, was placed on the new School of Education building Jan. 14. Tim Edwards Co. worked with Campbellsville Industries with their 70-ton crane to place the cupola. Here are some pictures of the placement taken by Joan McKinney.        

  • CU to Honor Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 20

    Dec. 31, 2009 For Immediate Release CAMPELLSVILLE UNIVERSITY TO HOST McMICKLE, U OF L BLACK DIAMOND CHOIR AT MLK SERVICE JAN. 20; DAVID COZART SPEAKS AT MORNING SERVICE By Joan C. McKinney, news and publications coordinator CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – Campbellsville University will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with two programs Wednesday, Jan. 20. David…

  • CU President Speaks at Chamber Luncheon

    Campbellsville University president Dr. Michael V. Carter addresses the crowd during a recent Campbellsville/Taylor County Chamber Luncheon. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ashley Zsedenyi) Jan. 13, 2010 For Immediate Release Campbellsville University President Addresses Campbellsville/Taylor County Chamber at Luncheon By Ashley Zsedenyi, staff writer CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – Campbellsville University is continuing to “provide leadership opportunities for…