Category: Volume 4 2007-2009

  • Religion in Brazil’s Free Market of Faith

    Maria Enedina Lima Bezerra Chapel Address January 28, 2009 When one thinks of Brazil in terms of religious affiliation, one probably thinks most Brazilians are Catholic. Brazil is indeed known for being a Catholic country. But how Catholic is Brazil today? Are there other religions thriving in Brazil? What are these religions? These are some…

  • Postscript

    The 400th Anniversary of Baptist beginnings in 2009 drew the attention of Christendom early in the year and Campbellsville University was no exception. The event was celebrated on-campus with guest lectures and a concert, and at our Louisville campus with a symposium on Baptist heritage. Like Magellan’s ship Victoria sailing around the world, Baptists have…

  • New Approaches to Twenty-First Century Research

    Reading Music through Different Lenses Yawen Ludden A Review and Commentary on Karen Bottge’s, “Brahms’s ‘Wiegenlied’ and the Maternal Voice,” 19th-Century Music XXVIII:185-213, n3, 2005. Karen Bottge’s article, “Brahms’s Wiegenlied and the Maternal Voice,” opens on such a familiar note and in such a low key fashion that not until midway do we realize we…

  • Lost by Allusion

    Robert VanEst Every text implies information that it takes for granted and does not explain; whether allusions are Shakespeare’s references to British history, Dickens’ references to the law, Flannery O’Connor’s connections to Christian salvation, or Dickinson’s questioning references to God, the pattern persists. Our human “mental reference libraries” store knowledge of entities, principles, and situations…

  • Living the Abundant Life

    Michael E. Arrington Commencement Address Campbellsville University May 8, 2009 Thank you for that kind introduction. President Carter, Vice President Cheatham, distinguished trustees, faculty, staff, parents, friends, families, and most importantly, graduating students, I bring greetings and congratulations on behalf of your fifty-one sister institutions in the International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities.1 I…

  • Jesus’ Death, Martyr Theology, and Exemplary Suffering

    A Fresh Exegesis of 1 Peter 2:18-251 Jarvis J. Williams Introduction This article argues that Maccabean Martyr Theology (Martyr Theology) and Isaiah 53 shaped Peter’s conception and presentation of Jesus’ death in 1 Peter 2:19-24.2 My thesis is that Peter urges Christians in this letter to imitate Jesus’ example of suffering by presenting him as…

  • Honoring Baptists

    A Community Service Celebrating 400 Years of Baptist Heritage, 1609-2009 Robert L. Doty Introduction This essay was originally written as a narrative for presentations celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Baptists by the Elizabethtown Area Sacred Community Choir on February 27 and March 1, 2009, at Campbellsville University and Elizabethtown Baptist Church, respectively. In addition to…

  • Errata – Revisiting the Voice of the Loon

    Due to a typographical error, the final word of Robert L. Doty’s Voice of the Loon printed in Volume 3 of The Campbellsville Review was incorrect. The editor expresses apology for the error and reprints the entire poem below in its corrected form. Voice of the Loon My soul is bound to the voice Of…

  • Contributors

    Michael E. Arrington is Executive Director of the International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities, and most recently, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at Carson-Newman College (2001- 2008). He holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and has taught and worked in administrative positions at Ouachita Baptist University…