CU hosts Ben Lowe who educates students on Earth Stewardship

Nov. 11, 2010
For Immediate Release

By Natasha Janes, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – Ben Lowe spoke on Renewing Creation and Earth Stewardship at chapel Nov. 10 at CU in Ransdell Chapel as he urged everyone to love the planet.

Lowe grew up as a “missionary kid” in Singapore, Malaysia and attended college at Wheaton College in Illinois majoring in environmental studies. Lowe said he did not realize that he could incorporate missions with environmental studies until he attended college.


Ben Lowe urged students to care for the planet at  chapel. (Campbellsville University Photo by Munkh- Amgalan Galsanjamts)
Ben Lowe urged students to care for the planet at
chapel. (Campbellsville University Photo by Munkh-
Amgalan Galsanjamts)

Lowe asked the audience, “When was the last time you changed your mind and it ended up changing your life?” He said God uses many things to change the path our life takes.

Lowe said, “The scriptures read that we were created in God’s image and God’s likeness to reflect that image to the rest of creation and rule over the rest of creation next to God.”

He pointed out Genesis 2:15 which states, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” This is proof that God wants humans to take care of His land and adore it, rather then destroy it. We are called to rule and have dominion over creation like God does, Lowe said.

Lowe read Genesis 1, which instructs us to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the Earth. Yet, this should not hurt the expense of the fruitfulness of the rest of the creation, Lowe said.

Lowe made many valid points connecting God and the Earth, saying that the Earth revolves around God, not around humans. He also said that the Earth is made to glorify God, not humans.

Lowe said, “Humans can not take away the glory to God through creation but they can take away the witness of creation.” He explained that this meant through humans polluting rivers, polluting the air and polluting the land, it takes away the witness God intended creation to have to glorify Him in all its beauty.

Lowe said he realized in college that environmental conditions was a priority for God, so therefore it needed to be a priority for him also. He said, “It is more then just environmental solutions, it is spiritual solutions also- it takes both.”

Lowe has written a book titled “Green Revolution- Coming Together to Care for Creation” which includes all his views on the connections between the environment and God and how Christians need to take care of God’s land.

Lowe left the audience with this, “When the land isn’t healthy, the people are not healthy. There will be no peace in this world until there is peace for this world. The greatest commandment in the Bible is to love God with all of your heart and you can not do this unless you love the environment.”

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with over 3,000 students offering 63 undergraduate programs, 17 master’s degrees and five postgraduate areas. The website for complete information is



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