CU invites you to first ‘Tiger Plunge’ through fountain Feb. 22

Feb. 3, 2014
For Immediate Release

 Want to take a plunge in the Alumni & Friends Park fountain? You can on Feb. 22 and help raise money for the park, the Society of Professional Journalists and the School of Nursing. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ye Wei "Vicky")
Want to take a plunge in the Alumni & Friends Park fountain? You can on Feb. 22 and help raise money for the park, the Society of Professional Journalists and the School of Nursing. (Campbellsville University Photo by Ye Wei “Vicky”)

By Jordan Antle, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – It might seem a little early for swimming trunks and bathing suits outside, but Campbellsville University wants you to put your courage on ice.

Scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 22 at 1:30 p.m., the Tiger Plunge will pit the human spirit against Mother Nature as students, faculty and staff, along with members from the community, run through the fountain in the center of CU’s Alumni & Friends Park at 301 N. Columbia Ave., Campbellsville.

The Tiger Plunge seeks donations to persuade those who might not be willing to run though the fountain on guts alone. The money collected will be split three ways between the university’s chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, CU’s School of Nursing and the Alumni & Friends Park.

No wet suits are allowed. Participants may dress in street clothes, tasteful bathing suits or tasteful costumes.

Stan McKinney, associate professor of journalism and lead professor for mass communication, came up with the idea for the plunge during the dedication of the Alumni & Friends Park in October.

“My wife was walking through the area where the fountain was going to be and I thought, wouldn’t it be funny to turn the fountain on real quick while she’s walking through there,” McKinney said.

He said he would never do that to his wife. But others at the dedication said they would pay to see him run through the fountain. The rest, as they say, is history.

Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of Campbellsville University, has also agreed to be a plunger.

“I am pleased to support important projects and causes,” Carter said. “We are close to completing our fundraising for the Alumni & Friends Park. I would hope that we can complete our campaign soon on this beautiful project.
“The School of Nursing and our Society of Professional Journalists are making many positive contributions, so I am pleased to assist them in their fundraising as we seek to serve students and our community.”

McKinney, for example, will run through the fountain if pledges for him to do so total at least $100.

Campbellsville University’s School of Nursing will be on site to tend to any health issues that could occur. The nursing students, faculty and staff will also provide hot chocolate, coffee and a place for participants to change after plunging. Proceeds obtained by the School of Nursing from the event will be used to help fund a mission trip.

McKinney said, “I think it’s something that can be fun. Hopefully people will want to participate and it will become kind of the thing to do.”

Weather could be an issue for the Tiger Plunge as the fountain is shut down over the winter season. As long as the temperature outside is above 35 degrees, the fountain should turn on without any problems, according to Rob Roberts, director of grounds and landscape development. He also plans to participate.

If the weather is a problem, the plunge will be rescheduled.

Harry Haynes, president of the university chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, is excited about the plunge.

“The event should be great,” Haynes said. “It will be a fun opportunity to get the students and faculty together while raising money for a good cause.”

Haynes also plans to participate.

Those who wish to participate in the Tiger Plunge should speak to Haynes or McKinney. Registration forms, pledge sheets and other information are also available at will also be registration tables in Winters Dining Hall at various times before the event.

Those who sign up with a donation of $25 or more will receive a free Tiger Plunge T-shirt. Those who raise $100 or more will receive a stuffed Tiger wearing a T-shirt commemorating the event in addition to the Tiger Plunge T-shirt.

Participants should bring a change of clothes, blankets, a robe or anything else they may need after emerging from the fountain.

Individuals and teams that raise the most money will receive Golden Plunger Awards.

All participants should check in at the registration table inside the School of Nursing prior to the plunge. All funds raised should also be turned in at that time.

After everyone has completed the Tiger Plunge, there will be a short presentation program inside the School of Nursing.

Those participating so far are: CU President Michael V. Carter, Dr. Bob Wade, Stan McKinney, Dr. John Hurtgen, Dr. Jason Garrett, Rob Roberts, Harry Haynes, Jordan Antle, Jayson Barnes, Rob Roberts, Aris Kuntz, Cameron Jackson, Dr. Tony Cunha, Ye “Vicky” Wei, Ellie McKinley, Shelby Mattingly, Joshua Vincent, Luisa Martini and Christopher Mills.

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,600 students offering 63 undergraduate options, 17 master’s degrees, five postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is





