The June Winslow Carter Scholarship Application

  1. List of Requirements for Student Applicants:

    1. The student applicant must be a current Major in one of the Human Performance Department's Academic Majors.

    2. The student applicant holds a current cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.5 (i.e., C+) out of a possible 4.0 (i.e., an A average)

    3. The deadline for submitting this student application is by November 1 of the current year.

    4. The student applicant must complete in writing (on this application) one paragraph on 

      II. Why I Feel I Am A Worthy Candidate for this June Winslow Carter Scholarship

      III. Why the Awarding of this June Winslow Carter Scholarship would financially benefit me. 

Student Demographic Information. Please complete:

Year Level
Please write one paragraph answering the question
Please write one paragraph answering the question