Multiple Summer Positions, Student.Go, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), Multiple Locations


Description: Student.Go is a missions program of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) that provides opportunities for students to serve with our field personnel and ministry partners as they live out CBF Global Missions commitments—cultivating beloved community, bearing witness to Jesus Christ and seeking transformational development.

Opportunities are the length of a semester or 10 weeks during the summer and include required orientation at the beginning of the experience as well as a debriefing at the conclusion. Students receive a stipend, $1700 for semester assignments and $1200 for summer assignments. Housing, food and local transportation are provided for most summer assignments and some semester assignments (some assignments will require additional fundraising). Students completing their first year of college and at least 18 years of age, as well as graduate students of any age, may apply.

Application Information:

Students can apply online now–

Required attendance dates:

Orientation—including housing, food and travel assistance (May 2018 in Atlanta, GA).

Selah vie Retreat at the end of service for relaxation, reflection and debriefing, August 6-9, 2018 at the Joe C. Davis YMCA and Outdoor Center in Nashville, TN.

Opportunities List 2018

United States Positions

  • Lake Nixon Middle School Day Camp Coordinator – Little Rock, Arkansas—1-2 students, at least 1 male and 1 female — Summer 2018
  • Camp Alkulana Summer Camp Counselor – Bath County, Virginia –2 students,  male or female — Summer 2018
  • Together for Hope Ministries (TFH)
  • Sowing Seeds of Hope (SSOH)—Perry County, Alabama—2-3 students, male or female – Summer 2018
  • Delta Hands for Hope—Shaw, Mississippi—2 students, 1 male and 1 female — Summer 2018
  • Conetoe Family Life Center —Conetoe, North Carolina – 1-2 students, male or female — Summer 2018
  • LUCHA Ministries—Fredericksburg, Virginia – 2 students (2 male or 2 female) — Summer 2018
  • National Baptist Memorial Church; Washington D.C.—2-3 students, male or female — Summer 2018
  • Crescent Hill Baptist Church—Louisville, Kentucky—2-3 students, male or female — Summer 2018
  • Andrew P. Stewart Center—Atlanta, Georgia – 2 students, male or female — Summer 2018
  • Touching Miami with Love (TML): Overtown Site and West Homestead Site—Miami and Homestead, Florida – 3 students, male or female – Summer 2018
  • Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries (RMM)/ Metro Baptist Church, —New York, NY—1 student, male or female — Summer 2018
  • International Positions
  • Partnership Macedonia Intern – Skopje, Macedonia—2 students, male or female — Special Project 2018
  • Engaging Students and Other Faiths– Southeast Asia – 2 students, male or female — Summer 2018, Special Project 2018
  • English Ministries Assistant at the Tokiwadai Baptist Church and Megumi Kindergarten & Urawa Baptist Church and Kindergarten—Tokyo, Japan – 1 graduate/seminary student, male or female — Summer 2018
  • Ministry Partners Research Intern – Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 1-2 students, male or female –Summer 2018




Kutana Kenya:  An Initiative for Environmental Advocacy and Creation Stewardship

When:                    May 20 – June 7, 2018

Where:  Kenya – 5 distinct eco-cultural settings:

  • Brackenhurst (montane highlands, Kikuyu)
  • Kakamega/Kipkaren (remnant tropical rainforest, Luhya/Luo)
  • Lake Baringo (rift valley lakes, Ilchamus)
  • Sigor (rift valley escarpment, Pokot)
  • Mara/Serengeti (savannah/acacia woodland, Masa)

What:     “Kutana” is a Swahili word signifying ‘mutual encounter’ – in this case, a 17 day mission immersion experience in a cross-cultural setting in one of the most ecologically diverse environments on earth.   Participants will encounter and engage people, ecosystems, places of significance and mission development projects in the context of a growing nation grappling with multiple social and environmental challenges.

Who:      Students – seminary/graduate students drawn from a cross-section of partner schools and CBF life including Global Missions, the Young Baptist Ecosystem and Advocacy networks.  Facilitators comprised of local and international staff led by Sam Harrell, CBF Associate Coordinator of Global Missions, previously long-time field personnel, born in Kenya and director of Africa Exchange.

Why:      To forge a cross cultural development and conservation ethic centered around CBF Mission Distinctives – ‘Seeking Transformational Development,’ ‘Bearing Witness’ and ‘Cultivating Beloved Community’- drawing connections between God, creation and humanity.  Exposure and interaction in this context is designed to educate and inspire participants to become agents of transformation in Renewing God’s World in their home context and circles of influence. There is no substitute for actual exposure to what is real!

With Whom?        Local partners in Kenya include:  * Africa Exchange   * The Maa Trust   * World Renew  and others.

How Much?          Cost is $3500 per person and includes airfare, local travel, lodging and meals (personal incidentals not included). Partial assistance (scholarships) for up to 12 graduate/seminary students available upon application.

Contact:                 Sam Harrell at  for more information regarding registration, itinerary and curricula.

What does Student.Go Provide?

Orientation—including housing, food and travel assistance (May 2018 in Atlanta, GA)

Stipend—$1200 for summer assignments (paid in two phases); $1700 for semester assignments

Housing, food and local transportation—provided for most summer assignments and some semester assignments (some assignments will require additional fundraising)

Selah vie Retreat at the end of service for relaxation, reflection and debriefing (August 6-9, 2018, Nashville, TN)

Feel free to check out the following website for more information: (students can submit applications for service opportunities directly on the website).