One hundred fifty from Campbellsville University serve in 24 churches during ‘A Day of Kingdom Advance’

Nov. 6, 2015
For Immediate Release

 Church Outreach group
150 Campbellsville University students, faculty and staff joined together to serve in 24 churches during “A Day of Kingdom Advance.” (Campbellsville University Photo by Jordan Antle)


By Jordan Antle, communications assistant

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. – “A Day of Kingdom Advance” saw more students in more churches on a single day than any other in the history of Campbellsville University. On Sunday, Nov. 1, CU’s largest church outreach ever saw 110 students and 40 faculty and staff in 24 total churches.

Campbellsville University took to Boyle County’s South District Baptist Association to share the Word and join in fellowship with those churches in the district.

Dr. G. Ted Taylor, director of church outreach, said the mission of the church outreach department at Campbellsville University is advancing the Kingdom one church at a time.

“Campbellsville’s history for 109 years has been Christ centered and church connected, resulting in changed lives. November 1 was a historic day for CU in that this was the most number of students visiting churches in one day,” he said.

The day began at 6:30 a.m. as students, faculty and staff joined together with Dr. Michael V. Carter, president of Campbellsville University, for a prayer circle in the Student Activities Center before leaving out to spread the Word.

Church Outreach prayer circle
 Students, faculty and staff pray for the day to come in the Student Activity Center before embarking for “A Day of Kingdom Advance.” (Campbellsville University Photo by Jordan Antle)

Carter led worship at Danville First Baptist Church, along with John Rausch, assistant director of church outreach, CU Sound and a testimony from TJ Rayhill, a sophomore from Mt. Washington, Ky.

“Campbellsville University is in five counties, primarily here in Boyle County, with 150 students, faculty and staff leading and participating in worship this morning,” Carter said.

Rayhill spoke on Campbellsville providing students with the tools they need to serve in practical missions.

“This university is equipping and sending strong servant leaders out into the churches and mission fields every week through sports teams, Baptist Campus Ministry, church outreach, and the School of Music and the School of Theology. There is no denying we are a school that is Christ centered, connected to churches and all about changing lives,” Rayhill said.

At Junction City First Baptist, Taylor welcomed those in the congregation and explained what Campbellsville’s mission was for “A Day of Kingdom Advance.”

“Today we are building the kingdom, advancing the kingdom, one church at a time,” he said.

Taylor welcomed church outreach members Tori Hester, a sophomore from Henderson, Ky., and Logan Curtis, a sophomore from Lawrenceburg, Ky., to lead the congregation in worship with special music. Hester provided vocals, while Curtis played acoustic guitar.

Tori Hester and Logan Curtis
 Tori Hester, left, of Henderson, Ky., and Logan Curtis of Lawrenceburg, Ky., provide special music during worship. (Campbellsville University Photo by Jordan Antle)

Curtis, who grew up in the Boyle County area, shared his testimony and spoke about the changes God has made in his life.

“I grew up here, so it’s always fun to get to come back to Danville and spread the Word,” Curtis said.

Curtis, who proclaimed Christ as his Lord and savior at the age of 15, spoke on his youth and the path that lead him to faith.

“It’s amazing to me to see how the Lord is moving through our student body, it’s not everyday that God uses over 100 students and 50 faculty members from one university to go out and impact the surrounding area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Curtis said.

Wes Carter, assistant director of church outreach, led worship at Friendship Baptist Church. He said he was thankful to be a part of this historic day in CU’s history.

“I have personally witnessed the spiritual growth resulting from practical ministry experiences for students,” he said. “I am thankful to be a small part of such growth, and a special thanks goes out to churches involved. Young men and women are the future of the Christian faith.”

Rusty Watkins, coordinator of summer camps at CU, welcomed the congregation at Hedgeville Baptist Church and gave the opening prayer.

“The focus of Church Outreach is being Christ centered, church connected for the purpose of changing lives, and we from Campbellsville University and all of us in the churches across this district are here for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to glorify Jesus Christ and for lives to be changed through him,” Watkins said.

Rebecca Galloway, a junior from Henderson, Ky., gave her testimony during the service. She spoke of when she was in eighth grade she felt God pulling on her heart, but she didn’t understand it.

“Through prayer I felt God pulling me to ministry and mission work. I ran from that for several years throughout high school.” She said even through the running she felt God pulling her to African mission work and working with school children. “I didn’t want anything to do with mission work or the youth ministry, but I knew God was working my life,” she said.

Andrew Bennett, audio/visual coordinator at Campbellsville, explained why CU calls this day the “Day of Kingdom Advance.”

“What do we do to prepare for the time we’re in?” he said. “We have to get back to the source to figure out what’s coming.

Rev. Choe Sergent, pastor of Junction City First Baptist, gave his sermon on the power of love and togetherness in the Church.

“Today is a day to celebrate. Every Church in the district is participating in this event,” Sergent said.
Sergent continued on to speak on living the gospel and doing good work.

“I get excited when I see those doing good work. That’s what I love about Campbellsville University, they are taking these students and putting them into practical ministry situations for the joy of the Word,” he said.

Landon Rogers, a junior from Burgin, Ky., said he and his team had a great experience seeing Christ move in their worship.

“Not only were we welcomed into a church who had recently fallen on hard times, but we also saw two people give their lives to Jesus and made the decision to be baptized. God was with us, and used us in mighty ways,” he said.

Paula Smith, director of alumni relations, led the team at Perryville Baptist Church and said there had been so many changes at the university and 100 lives were saved this fall though outreach and witnessing.

“We believe in the Bible at Campbellsville University, and we believe in focusing on students,” she said.

Samantha Ross, a senior from Willisburg, Ky., urged the congregation to “get real” with God and everyone else.

“He will give you a new heart,” Ross said. “Be real in whatever you are going through,” she said.

Aaron Neal, a senior from Cincinnati, Ohio, preached from Romans 8:5-8 and verses 12 and 13. He said the gospel was powerful long ago and still is today.

“God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow,” he said. “God created you,” he said, “and God doesn’t make mistakes.”

“God is always going to love you,” he said. “We have enough hate in the world. We need more love in the world. We need Jesus in our lives. When you have Jesus, you can get through everything.”

Kathryn Weeks, a freshman from Louisville, presented music, as did Ross and Neal.

Heather Sabo, a senior from Campbellsville, said, “The pastor of the church I was at said there is still hope in the younger generation and I saw it too, as all of us gathered together and joined hands and prayed for the day to come. There is still hope.”

Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with more than 3,500 students offering over 80 programs of study including 24 master’s degrees, seven postgraduate areas and eight pre-professional programs. The website for complete information is



