Physical Plant employees at CU contribute towards the hurricane relief

Physical Plant employees, many of whom are not pictured, collected money and partnered with Lowe’s to provide a pallet of water to the Hurricane victims. The employees were inspired by the CU Fishing Team and wanted contribute toward the hurricane relief. From left are: Lynn Henderson, Alvin Humphress, Lloyd Wilds and Christian Cowherd. Back row – Robert Stotts, Stephen Morris and JP Judd.
Physical Plant employees, many of whom are not pictured, collected money and partnered with Lowe’s to provide a pallet of water to the Hurricane victims. The employees were inspired by the CU Fishing Team and wanted contribute toward the hurricane relief. From left are: Lynn Henderson, Alvin Humphress, Lloyd Wilds and Christian Cowherd. Back row – Robert Stotts, Stephen Morris and JP Judd.




