Seth Hart, 2009 alumnus, to be featured in Homecoming art exhibit, begins Oct. 8

Sept. 25, 2012
For Immediate Release

By April Hill, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky.– Campbellsville University 2009 alumnus artist Seth Hart will have his artwork at the Art Gallery on Saturday, Oct. 13 at 10 a.m. The exhibit will be open Oct. 8 through Nov. 2 in the Art Gallery, located at 205 University Drive, Campbellsville.

 Seth Hart

 Seth Hart

Hart’s exhibit will feature various drawings, hand built clay sculptures and pottery pieces. Hart gathers many of his ideas for his work from things like tree bark, various animal furs and irregular shapes found throughout nature.

“In nature, no two things are alike; therefore, everything has a different shape,” Hart said. “This allows me to have more freedom and creativity as I work.”

Hart also likes to incorporate facial expressions into many of his pottery pieces in which he portrays everyday moods and unique facial characteristics.

“I’m very spontaneous and have few plans as to how my art will look when it’s finished,” he said. “I encounter many surprises along the way, and as my hands work I let them evolve it into something I’m happy with.”

Before starting a piece Hart said he researches and looks at various angles of his subject through photographs. He then prints off each angle and uses it as a foundation for what he creates.

Hart said he is most proud of the pieces that challenge him the most. “Sculpting bigger projects are tough both physically and mentally,” he said. “It requires more muscle and attention to detail. The bigger the piece is, the more accurate it must be.”

Hart has showcased his work at the Campbellsville University Art Gallery once before during his last semester of college in 2009. Since then he has displayed his work at the Sheltowee Arts and Crafts Camp, the Heritage Festival in Wayne County and other various farmers’ markets.

He works for the Wayne Co. Cooperative Extension Service, under the University of Kentucky, where he assists in agriculture, 4-H and family/consumer science programs. He also teaches art classes to adults and children in his community and promotes art programs within local school systems.

Hart graduated in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in art from Campbellsville University. He lives in Monticello, Ky.

“I’m just a small town artist with a blessed life,” Hart said.





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