SPRING EDUCATION CAREER Fair 2018-Lexington KY: Jobs Located in Multiple Locations in KY, IN, TN & OH

Come and connect with representatives from school districts located in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, and other regions. Learn about job opportunities and network with representatives conducting recruitment for positions in K-12 education settings. Stop by anytime between 3:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.at the Woodford Reserve Club at Kroger Field (formerly Commonwealth Stadium). Students who plan to attend the fair are encouraged to bring multiple copies of their résumé, and business-professional attire is recommended.
https://www.uky.edu/careercenter/spring-education-career-fair. Employers and students wanting to attend will need to Register in advance. Check the website closer to date to know which Schools will be present/hiring through this upcoming fair.



