St. Baldrick’s to return to Campbellsville April 28

St. Baldrick’s to return to Campbellsville April 2
Football Coach Thomas Perry shows his support by getting his head shaved at last years St. Baldricks event.

By Joshua Spencer, student writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY — Campbellsville University is hosting St. Baldrick’s once again.

The event, the purpose of which is to raise money to fight childhood cancer, is Saturday, April 28 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Student Activity Center gym and SAC front parking lot.

There was a possibility of Campbellsville not hosting the event this year after Donna Wise, who had been the organizer for 10 years, decided she would no longer be involved.

In a column in the last issue of Campbellsville University’s Campus Times newspaper, senior Alex Meade in a column expressed his feelings about the event possibly not happening this year. Members of CU’s Student Government Association saw the column and decided to take action.

Rebekah Mobley, director of communications for SGA, said she knew as soon as she read the column that something needed to be done.

TJ Rayhill Jr., chief of staff for SGA, said, “We’ve all been touched by cancer in some form or fashion.

“Cancer is something very prevalent in the world today. This event is put on to help raise money for finding a cure for childhood cancer.

“We set a goal of $5,000 thinking this is our first major fundraising event that any of us has planned, then we saw the numbers for last year — our minds were blown,” Rayhill said.

Last year the event raised more than $40,000.

Volunteers agree to have their heads shaved in empathy for those undergoing cancer treatments and seek sponsors to raise funds.

Rayhill wants people to come out to the event and sponsor it in any way possible.

That can include shaving your head, but Rayhill said it doesn’t have to.

There will also be a food truck, silent auction, vendors, edible cookie dough and possibly a live band. All proceeds will go to the cause.

“There will be plenty of stuff to do to help support childhood cancer,” Rayhill said.

Ashley Sheetz, a freshman at Campbellsville University, has participated in the past by having her head shaved.

“It’s awesome,” Sheetz said. “I enjoyed shaving my head.” Sheetz donated 36 inches of hair in her senior year of high school.

The Campbellsville University School of Barbering will be shaving people’s heads, and if any more help is needed, the SGA will reach out to barbers and beauty shops who have helped in the past.

If anyone would like to donate to St. Baldrick’s, go to St. Baldrick’, search for Campbellsville University and register online. On the site you will find teams and individuals who will be shaving their heads.

You can donate in an individual’s name or team’s name online.

Stan McKinney, associate professor of journalism, has participated for the last nine years.

He is a member of a team called Media Madmen.

The team is challenging others for a “traveling trophy” to be awarded to the team that raises the most money.

“I would like the trophy to be a chia head or something similar,” McKinney said. “This should be a friendly competition that’s part of a very serious event.”

He shaves his head to honor two cousins who died as children from cancer as well as his mother-in-law, his mother and best friend from high school who lost their battles with the disease.




