Student View and User Report

Have you ever wondered how your Moodle course page or gradebook looks from the student’s perspective?  To view any part of your course from a student’s perspective, switch your role to the student role. To do this, just click on your name in the top right corner of Moodle and select Switch role to…, then select Student. You can then navigate your course and see most things in the same way as a student would see them. For more detailed instructions on switching your role, see Learning House’s Knowlegebase article here.

To view any student’s Grades view, go to the appropriate course, and then click on Grades in the shortcut menu accessed from the link at the top left of each Moodle page. Make sure the View tab is selected, then select the User report tab. Once on this screen, look for the dropdown menu next to Select all or one user. You may select to view an individual student’s User Report (think “report card”), or all student’s User Reports listed alphabetically.  Directly under this make sure that User is selected from the dropdown menu menu next to View report.

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