Tag: Alfred Lord Tennyson

  • My View of the Next “Greatest Generation”

    (as seen on November 12, 2008) Judith Collins McCormick As a forty-two-year old female professor of literature, I find that my perspective on war has usually “[mixed] memory with desire,” as T.S. Eliot famously said. The memory part has come from the stories of others – my father, too young for World War II and…

  • “When the Lights Go on Again All Over the World”

    E. Bruce Heilman Commencement Address Campbellsville University 9 May 2015 A man stood at the pearly gates, His face was scarred and old He stood before the gate of fate For admission to the fold. “What have you done,” Saint Peter asked, “To gain admission here?” I’ve been a college president, sir, For many and…