Tag: Carver School of Social Work and Counseling

  • CCC In-Home Service Provider, Lake Cumberland Area of KY  

    CCC In-Home Service Provider, Lake Cumberland Area of KY   (posted 6/15/22) Are you passionate about improving the lives of children and families? Do you enjoy working with a small case load (8-10) families providing parent education and case management services? Are you interested in full-time/part-time/contracted work or a practicum site? APPLY TODAY! Download an application…

  • Perspective and Passion Impact the World

    Darlene Eastridge Commencement Address Campbellsville University May 7, 2010 Thank you, Dr. Carter for a flattering introduction, and thank all of you for taking a night out of your busy lives to celebrate the achievement of these graduates. I am honored to be your commencement speaker this evening and honored to be in the company…