Tag: Commencement Address

  • Living the Abundant Life

    Michael E. Arrington Commencement Address Campbellsville University May 8, 2009 Thank you for that kind introduction. President Carter, Vice President Cheatham, distinguished trustees, faculty, staff, parents, friends, families, and most importantly, graduating students, I bring greetings and congratulations on behalf of your fifty-one sister institutions in the International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities.1 I…

  • Perspective and Passion Impact the World

    Darlene Eastridge Commencement Address Campbellsville University May 7, 2010 Thank you, Dr. Carter for a flattering introduction, and thank all of you for taking a night out of your busy lives to celebrate the achievement of these graduates. I am honored to be your commencement speaker this evening and honored to be in the company…

  • “When the Lights Go on Again All Over the World”

    E. Bruce Heilman Commencement Address Campbellsville University 9 May 2015 A man stood at the pearly gates, His face was scarred and old He stood before the gate of fate For admission to the fold. “What have you done,” Saint Peter asked, “To gain admission here?” I’ve been a college president, sir, For many and…