Tag: France

  • Songs and Music of World War II

    Jean Oostens Songs of the Phony War1 Most historians place the beginning of World War II (WWII) at the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. For the other nations soon to be involved, France and Great Britain (who would become the Allied), a pause of several months followed their Declaration of War on…

  • My View of the Next “Greatest Generation”

    (as seen on November 12, 2008) Judith Collins McCormick As a forty-two-year old female professor of literature, I find that my perspective on war has usually “[mixed] memory with desire,” as T.S. Eliot famously said. The memory part has come from the stories of others – my father, too young for World War II and…

  • Art, Life, Madness: A Comparative Exploration of Frida Kahlo and Charlotte Salomon

    Justy Engle Frida Kahlo and Charlotte Salomon depict the female experience as it transcends visual art. Both use images overlaid with text in their self-writing to allow their inner emotional turmoil to escape, creating unconventional products that caused them to appear to the public as suffering from some sort of madness.[1] By looking at Kahlo’s…