Tag: Georgetown College

  • Honoring Baptists

    A Community Service Celebrating 400 Years of Baptist Heritage, 1609-2009 Robert L. Doty Introduction This essay was originally written as a narrative for presentations celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Baptists by the Elizabethtown Area Sacred Community Choir on February 27 and March 1, 2009, at Campbellsville University and Elizabethtown Baptist Church, respectively. In addition to…

  • Baptist Affiliation

    William Loyd Allen Lecture, Baptist Heritage Lecture Series March 3, 2015 In 2006, the Georgia Baptist Convention severed its ties with Mercer University, ending a 170-year-old relationship between the two. When the news broke, a student in one of my classes asked: “Dr. Allen, what happens now that Mercer is no longer a Baptist school?”…

  • Cuba 1995: A Chronicled Remembrance

    Robert L. Doty This essay will examine the Cuban experience from three perspectives. First, it considers a mission visit to Christian friends primarily in the Havana area, considering the vitality of the Christian community there. Second, it examines some aspects of the historical and cultural heritage of Cuba through landmarks, some personalities, and cultural traditions…

  • Revisiting the Concept of a Baptist University

    Dwayne Howell[1] Introduction Since their beginning, Baptists have seen a need for education, especially of their clergy. However, along with those who advocated the development of schools, other Baptists opposed education on the grounds that it hindered the Spirit’s work. This debate has raged for close to 400 years and continues in one way or…