Tag: Glen Edward Taul

  • Contributors

    Melissa C. Askew is music director at Midway Christian Church in Midway, Kentucky. She is interested in finding effective methods to bring people together through their differences in worship preferences. She received her Master of Music in Church Music degree from Campbellsville University in 2011. Richard E. Corum is Associate Dean and Professor of Business…

  • The King James Bible

    Translating as a Political Act Glen Edward Taul Lecture, 400th Anniversary Celebration of the King James Bible Campbellsville University October 6, 2011 It was not part of the agenda. The delegates to the Hampton Court Conference had not gathered on a wintery day to argue for another English translation of the Bible. They convened, at…

  • Inspiring a Story: A Personal Experience with Jesse Stuart

    Glen Edward Taul “Today I have not written a story I planned to write. This has taken one of our last days in time allotted to us to live. But John Preston has been worth every minute of it.” Jesse Stuart[1]        As I traveled across W-Hollow toward Stuart’s home, there was an air of…