Tag: Judith Collins McCormick

  • Postscript

    Who could have imagined four centuries ago the impact which the King James translation of the Bible would have on the English-speaking world? Among the many commemorative events occurring in 2011, Campbellsville University’s celebration of the quadricentennial anniversary of this landmark translation was an invigorating look back to the past and a reflection on the…

  • Contributors

    Melissa C. Askew is music director at Midway Christian Church in Midway, Kentucky. She is interested in finding effective methods to bring people together through their differences in worship preferences. She received her Master of Music in Church Music degree from Campbellsville University in 2011. Richard E. Corum is Associate Dean and Professor of Business…

  • My View of the Next “Greatest Generation”

    (as seen on November 12, 2008) Judith Collins McCormick As a forty-two-year old female professor of literature, I find that my perspective on war has usually “[mixed] memory with desire,” as T.S. Eliot famously said. The memory part has come from the stories of others – my father, too young for World War II and…

  • Imprint

    Judith Collins McCormick The baby monitor inches from my hand, I sit at my desk sorting pictures of your first six months and listen to your loud, then softer, then finally relinquished objections to my insistence that you take your morning nap now. Your smiles and expressions of wonder at various toys and people look…