Tag: Robert L. Doty

  • Postscript

    The 400th Anniversary of Baptist beginnings in 2009 drew the attention of Christendom early in the year and Campbellsville University was no exception. The event was celebrated on-campus with guest lectures and a concert, and at our Louisville campus with a symposium on Baptist heritage. Like Magellan’s ship Victoria sailing around the world, Baptists have…

  • Honoring Baptists

    A Community Service Celebrating 400 Years of Baptist Heritage, 1609-2009 Robert L. Doty Introduction This essay was originally written as a narrative for presentations celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Baptists by the Elizabethtown Area Sacred Community Choir on February 27 and March 1, 2009, at Campbellsville University and Elizabethtown Baptist Church, respectively. In addition to…

  • Errata – Revisiting the Voice of the Loon

    Due to a typographical error, the final word of Robert L. Doty’s Voice of the Loon printed in Volume 3 of The Campbellsville Review was incorrect. The editor expresses apology for the error and reprints the entire poem below in its corrected form. Voice of the Loon My soul is bound to the voice Of…

  • Contributors

    Michael E. Arrington is Executive Director of the International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities, and most recently, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at Carson-Newman College (2001- 2008). He holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and has taught and worked in administrative positions at Ouachita Baptist University…

  • Three Poems on Nigeria

    Robert L. Doty Ekiti Sun Underfoot, the carcass of the scorpion, Overhead, the bougainvillea and the cashew tree Below, the hill and quiet town Resting in the midday Ekiti sun, Invites the strangers in. Northward is the Jos Plateau Where grim violence replicates the oldest one. Nigeria, oh. The Clinic The father leans over one…

  • Contributors

    John R. Burch, Jr. is Dean of Distance Learning and Library Services and has been a member of the faculty since 2000. The author of number articles, reviews, and several books, he holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Kentucky. Robert L. Doty is Professor of English Emeritus, having come to Campbellsville in…

  • Contributors

    Melissa C. Askew is music director at Midway Christian Church in Midway, Kentucky. She is interested in finding effective methods to bring people together through their differences in worship preferences. She received her Master of Music in Church Music degree from Campbellsville University in 2011. Richard E. Corum is Associate Dean and Professor of Business…

  • Anchor Point: The King James Bible and English Literature

    Robert L. Doty Lecture, 400th Anniversary Celebration of the King James Bible Campbellsville University October 6, 2011 A note on the English language may be useful as we begin. Geoffrey Chaucer, who was writing in 1400, used East Midland dialect of Middle English. An uninitiated person who looked at his works would need to hear…

  • A Different Sun, by Elaine Neil Orr

    New York: Berkley Books (Penguin), 2013. A Review, by Robert L. Doty This remarkable novel by a graduate of Campbellsville College is a distillation of mission history, and antebellum social life in Georgia. It delves into questions of slavery, mental illness, Yoruba (Nigerian) culture and religion, and the maturation of the human spirit in the…

  • Cuba 1995: A Chronicled Remembrance

    Robert L. Doty This essay will examine the Cuban experience from three perspectives. First, it considers a mission visit to Christian friends primarily in the Havana area, considering the vitality of the Christian community there. Second, it examines some aspects of the historical and cultural heritage of Cuba through landmarks, some personalities, and cultural traditions…